Many men needed to buck, split, load, and deliver firewood at the Yakama Indian reservation for Sacred Road Ministries, a Christian organization that ministers to Native American families, many of whom have only wood burning stoves to heat their homes in the winter.  This is a great opportunity to serve Jesus by serving others, and will help increase relational equity between our Sacred Road brothers and the people God is trying to reach with His love.

We are meeting at Crossview on Saturday October 29 at 8:00am to carpool to White Swan WA, about 1 hour 20 minutes away.  Bring a sack lunch, eye & ear protection, gloves, long pants, close-toed shoes, and a heart to sweat with a smile!  We will be back in town between 3-5pm, depending on how many come and how fast we work!  🙂

To RSVP or for more info, call or text Crossview Life Group Catalyst Kent Staton at 541-728-7787.