The Mission
Make disciples and plant churches
The Vision
We strive to be a Jesus-centered people that are in the city for the city, by gathering, giving, growing and going.
We believe that making disciples and planting churches are almost one and the same. All Christians are called to make disciples. As more and more disciples are made, they are sent out to be on mission in a new location. We call this church planting. Crossview is a church planting church. We partner with Acts 29 and the North American Mission Board to be more effective in this mission by helping other churches make disciples and plant churches.
We believe that making disciples and planting churches are almost one and the same. All Christians are called to make disciples. As more and more disciples are made, they are sent out to be on mission in a new location. We call this church planting. Crossview is a church planting church. We partner with Acts 29 and the North American Mission Board to be more effective in this mission by helping other churches make disciples and plant churches.
Acts 29
We are part of Acts 29, which is a diverse, global family of church-planting churches. Pray for Acts 29 churches to be drilling deeper and reaching wider for the fame of Jesus. Pray that more gospel communities will be built across the world.